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18 February 2014

What do you blog on?...

As I had repeatedly mentioned in my blog, recently I attended a bloggers conference called 'WIN14' organized by the bloggers group

You can check out my posts from WIN14 here and here

One of the questions I was asked repeatedly, by whoever I met, was 'What do you blog on?'

How do I answer that? Should I say 'I don't blog on anything specific' or 'I blog about  whatever comes to my mind'. The latter one is more positive, sure.

As I mentioned in this post and in this post, I started off blogging as what it was originally supposed to be, a Web Log. A dairy of your experiences, thoughts and emotions. I have maintained that approach more or less. Earlier I used to write what came to mind, but of late, I have shifted to writing articles on Personal Growth and Self Development. 

During the sessions, Amagh Desai, a blogger mentioned the need for focus while blogging. 'You can create a brilliant blog on Marketing', he said, 'and spoil it with one post on the 'Foodstuff available in Marriot Courtyard for Win14' thereby driving away your loyal followers'.

So true. 

What it means is that blogging has evolved. It has become a platform for people to demonstrate why they are special. Since you cannot be 'Special' in everything you do, you need to have a focus for your blog. 

This is the simple economic theory of 'Comparative Advantage' put forth by David Ricardo. You may have multiple specialties in you. For example, I am good at ERP, Writing and Investments. But I have decided to focus on ERP (Check out my ERP Blog) and Personal Growth. 

So, For all you who asked me the question, the focus of my blog is 'Personal Growth and Development' and ERP.

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