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11 May 2014

Daydreams - A Poem

I asked my son to write a Poem on the topic 'Daydreams'. Here is what he came up with.

Anywhere, anytime
Any story, any rhyme
What ever you want true
A daydream will make true for you

Magic, success, fame and fortune
The world dancing to your tune
What ever you want true
A day dream will make true for you

Wizards, witches, magicians, time travellers
Martial arts masters, musicians, dancers
What ever you want to be
Yourself, a day dream will let you see

Bored at work, time to waste
Nothing to complete with haste
Nothing whatsoever to do
A daydream is perfect for you

Had a bad day in real life
Upset about some strife
Want to forget about bad things?
A daydream will give you wings

Time for me to go and day dream
It's time for us to part it seems
Well, whatever you want true
A day dream will make true for you

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