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18 December 2017

Thoughts on Namma Metro...

Today I travelled by Bangalore Metro (Namma Metro) from J P Nagar to Magadi Road. Here are a few observations.
We started from JP Nagar at 7.00 PM and reached the destination in Magadi Road by 7.40 PM. Had I driven my car or taken a cab, I would have taken at least 90 minutes in the peak traffic to reach my destination. So that was good.
In fact, I finished my work and reached back home in two hours. It was amazing.
Having recently travelled extensively in Dubai Metro, there are a couple of observations that I want to make.. In Dubai Metro, any station I get out of, I am presented with well lit and wide streets, illuminated buildings, working traffic signals etc. Here in Bangalore, I exited to a dark, drab, dreary and depressing Bangalore, were people were jumping signals casually. The entire thing was 'flow'. Like a circus, everyone was moving and trying to avoid contact with other person. There was no order, no structure. It was chaos everywhere.
Second observation is about our quality of work. I remember that when I was there in Dubai, the First Global Bank (FGB) was taken over and renamed as First Abu Dhabi Bank (FADB). Overnight the route map on the metro was updated to reflect the new ownership. It was done so seamlessly that if you did not know, you would not have guessed that a change has occurred.
What about Namma Metro?
After the Metro started, they added a few stations. The route maps in the train has been updated with the names of the new stations, by typing their names on a paper and appending the same to the route map. As a result, the entire route map looks ugly.
Why can we not do a thorough job? It is not a rocket science. If Dubai can do it, we can also do it much better.
How do we instil a sense of quality and pride in their work to the government employees?

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