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14 July 2019

Articles that I read in February 2019

06-Feb-2019: Wednesday
I also ready a good article by Jeff Haden on Prioritizing your tasks. Note down everything you want / have to do. Cull out 5 top tasks and focus on on them. Then break down each of the above 5 tasks to actionable sub-tasks and start working on them.

While reading it, I was thinking that there are a lot of stuff that I want to do, but I am not prioritizing. I also have to review the boo that Maria has sent me and publish my review in my blog. 

07-Feb-2019: Thursday
I also read an article by ‘The Emotion Machine’ on ‘Mindful Photography’. It says that as you go through the day, you take five photos that represent the day. There are two advantages of this. One, while looking for interesting things to take photos of, you are living a mindful life. You are in touch with what is happening around you. Two, these photographs will give you a chronology of your life and will tell you what you did on that day of your life. Keeping this in mind, while coming out of the park, I took a selfie with a post box and posted in my Facebook page. I got a lot of likes for that photos. Most of them were from the ‘seniors’, who straddle the old and the new.

26-Feb-2019: Tuesday
Today I red an article by Ryan Holiday titled ‘How to digest books above your Level and increase your intelligence’.  The focus of the book is on reading to lead. The key points in the article were.
  1. It is not enough that you read books. You have to read books that elevate your intellect. Read books that are difficult to read.
  2. When you read the book, try to identify the messages it conveys rather than the facts it presents. Lessons matter. Facts less so. Focus on the message and how you can apply them.
  3. Before you start reading a book, check the web to understand the basic assertions of the ook. Your objective is to answer two questions, what does it mean and do you agree with it.
  4. Read the introduction / prologue/ Notes Forwards. This will give you the context. It is very important since you are reading a book above your ‘level’.
  5. Look up words and phrases you do not understand. You could look up thesaurus, Wiki, Youtube etc
  6. Mark passages.
  7. After two weeks of finishing the book, go back to it. Collect all your notes and categorize them. Use them frequently in writings and conversations.
  8. Read one more book in that genre.
Previous Months:

January 2019

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