In the book 'Games people play', author Dr.Eric Berne talks about the various emotional games people play in their transactions. All the games are harmful to the relationship and weakens it over time.
This article is the reverse, here I am talking about the various games that people should play to get the best outcome for themselves in the long-term. People take years to learn these and by the time they do, they find that they have already missed the bus.
This article is for everyone who are struggling in their life and their career. It covers almost all of us. These are the advises that I would have loved to get at a young age.
The main benefit of these games is that you can start on these games any time. The results will almost immediately start showing.
So here we go
1. Compounding Game:
This is also called the 'Consistency Game'. Compounding is the greatest miracle ever invented. In short simple words, what ever you do consistently compounds over time. Even if you are taking a single step everyday, it will compound over a period of time. The trick is to keep doing it everyday. Writing 100 words a day compounds to over 30000 words a year, which is equivalent to an e-book. Considering that a single A-4 sized page is about 500 words, writing one page a day is equal to 5 ebooks in a year.
Imagine that!
Compounding applies to every aspect of your life.
The problem is that everything compounds. Compounding doesn't care if the habit is good or bad. So choose inspirational goals and habits and be consistent in sticking to the habit.
And let compounding do the rest.
2. Wealth Game
It is not important what 'income' you get. What matters is how you invest and save the income you generate. It is very important to know the difference between Income and Wealth. Wealth is what you make of your income. If you spend all your income, you will end up without any wealth. The language of income are 'salary', 'revenue', 'wage', 'term deposits' etc. The language of wealth are 'Net worth', 'Portfolio', 'Investment', 'Equity' etc.
You could be earning a million dollars a year and still retire poor. Or you could earn average pay and retire exceedingly wealthy.
In the book 'The millionaire next door' the authors point out that American Doctors are some of the most highly paid professionals (high income) in the country, but they are also the ones who struggle to maintain their lifestyle post retiring from their jobs.
3. Now Game
The 'Now Game' can be expressed as 'Act Now'. It is normal to dream about the bright future. You may be planning for higher studies, or would be interested in moving to a new area of work altogether. You may plan to shift to a new place and may dream of buying your own home.
Whatever be your dreams, the time to act is 'NOW', the present moment. You could sit down 'NOW' to make a plan to raise money to buy the dream home. You could read up 'NOW' on how to get into your dream university for your higher studies. You could plan NOW, you could prepare for that Certification 'NOW', you could write that article 'NOW', you could even dream 'NOW'.
Don't waste your 'NOW' doing non-value added tasks. Even if you want to watch Netflix, plan for your leisure time 'NOW'
'NOW' game is even important at a young age since there is an illusion of infinite time availability at that age.
4. Happiness Game
There is a Quantum Physics concept of multi-verse as opposed to universe. Every decision you make takes your life in a different universe that is unique to you. This means that the only thing you need to have is a criteria for making important decisions in your life. That criteria should always be 'Happiness'. You must always take decisions that will make you happy. If you are unhappy with the outcome of a particular decision, make a new decision. Move on and keep moving on. Never compromise on your happiness.
Far too many people spend far too much time doing things that makes them unhappy. Focus on happiness may often create uncertainty. You will always be plagued with doubt about your decisions. That is worth it especially if you play the 'Happiness Game' along with 'NOW' game.
5. Valuation Game
Today is 23rd of July 2021. Today Zomato listed in Indian Stock Market and immediately crossed a market cap of 1000000 Million Indian Rupees. There are about 20 companies listed in the Indian Stock Exchange with that market cap. The funny thing about Zomato is that it is yet to make profits. People are buying the company shares for its potential to generate profits and wealth in the future.
Valuation is the new game in town.
Earlier we spoke about the 'Wealth Game'. It is about how you invest your earnings to build wealth. Wealth is generated by your efforts. Valuation goes a step beyond and look at how you are able to build a community of followers. The mechanical part of valuation is to become and entrepreneur and have something to offer that people demand. Beyond that the valuation game is about inspiring people to follow you and spread the word, it is about branding and perception management.
Amazon did it, Flipkart did it, Apple did it....
So can you.
This is the game you want to be in.
Please note that if you come out of the 'Income' game to the 'Wealth Game', you have made huge progress. 'Valuation Game' is not for all
6. 'One Step' game
There is this story of a Chinese Emperor who assembled all the wise men in his kingdom and asked them to identify a single wise sentence that will bring both happy and sad people to reality.
After three days they came up with the phrase 'This Too Shall Pass'
If you are excessively happy and gloating about your success, remember 'This Too Shall Pass'
If you are sad and is focused on your failure, remember 'This Too Shall Pass'
Remember that all the great journeys are made one step at a time. There is no doubt that in your life you will be faced with challenges that may seem insurmountable. These challenges could make you anxious or depressed depending on their nature. If you are working towards a major goal, the challenges could lead to anxiety.
Whatever be the nature of the challenge, remember the 'One Step' game. Keep focusing on the next step and ignore everything else. You will surmount it in the end.
This too shall pass.
PS: I came to realize the nature of this game after a long time. Late as it may have been for me to realize it, the awareness of this game has been the single greatest lesson for me so far I think.
7. 'Health' Game
The fifth rule in the article 10 Rules of Writing, author Margaret Atwood asks the writers to 'Do back exercises. Pain is distracting'.
Health game along with the NOW game are the two most important games in the above list, I think, even though my favorite is the 'One Step' game. Whatever be your potential, you cannot achieve anything if you are not healthy. Learn to manage your health by regularly doing physical, stretching and meditative exercises. Stand up often. Drink water often.
This advice is even more important in these days of sedentary lifestyle. Your body is your tool, it is important that you keep it in top condition.
That is it. These are the seven games that people should play to achieve happiness and success in their life.
Best wishes.
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