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24 February 2014

Reviewing Evernote: An excellent tool for Bloggers....

As the title of this blog shows, the theme of this blog is 'Personal Growth as a Journey that we take together'. It means that I help you grow by sharing the lessons that I learnt over the course of my life and you also do likewise. 

One of the aspects of personal growth is to improve your productivity as a person in each of the role that each of us play. One role such role is that of a blogger. All of us want to improve our productivity as a blogger. We want to blog better content more frequently. One common problem that we all face is the time gap between when we identify a content and writing a post. Out of the many contents that we identify each day, I am sure, if you are like me, that you will be blogging about may be 20% of them.

The main reason is that our content ideas lie in may places. Some of them lie as bookmarks in the browser of your PC, some lie as photos in your camera, some lie as notes in the memo pad of your mobile phone, some lie in your personal dairy, some simply lie in your brain.

I am sure all of you have felt the need for a single repository of your ideas which you can access over any gadget that you have and that can help you structure your thoughts and ideas and also help you take notes. 

Welcome to Evernote.

You can download it from the above site. There are two versions, one is the free version which comes with a upload capacity of 60 MB data per month which increases to 1GB per month for premium users. You can read the details here 

My Evernote Page

What can you do with Evernote?

1. Notebook: You can create Notebook: Notebook works just like the main folder in your PC. For example, since I blog on ERP and Personal Growth and would like to blog on Investments,  I have created three notebooks one for each topic. I also have another notebook named 'Ideas to explore'. Notebooks help you structure your main content ideas. 

2. Tags: You can create tags and attach the same to your notebook: Tags work like a 'sub folder' (not exactly, since a tag is separate identity from the notebook). Since the main topic of my personal blog are 'Good, Bad, Ugly', Wisdom and Humour, I have created tags for that. For writing this topic, I created another tag named Productivity and another one called 'Blogging' to document ideas to make me a better blogger. Ideally you should have a few tags in your repertoire. Too many tags can lead to clutter of your ideas.

3. Notes: You can create your personal notes and attach the same to your notebook. You can attach a link to a topic on the web that interested you and you can add your notes to that topic. And there you have your blog post !!

4. Photos: You can attach photos and write your thoughts in the note. That is another blog post for you. I am yet to explore.

5. Web clipper: This is the one feature that I have fallen most in love with. In the past, every time I read an article on the web, and if I had some personal thoughts on the contents of that article, there was no way for me to link the Internet article and my ideas together. For example, the other day I read an article on 'ABCD', what ABCD stands for BJP and Congress. I thought of an article of a kid learning ABCD and getting confused. All I could do at that time was to bookmark that page and hope that I will come back to that article sometime when I am free and hope that I somehow remember my ideas and thoughts that I had when I first read that article. Having installed 'Web Clipper'  this has become a breeze. I just attach that article to my Evernote notebook, type in my ideas for me to review, revise and post later. Great !!

6. Scan and attach to your Evernote: Yesterday, while sitting at the hair cutting salon, I read an article on personal health and fitness. Since I had installed Evernote in my mobile phone, scanning that article and attaching it to my Evernote notebook was a breeze. I intend to write a blog post on it sometime soon. 

There are other features that I have not explored. Evernote team keeps sending daily tips on how to use additional features of Evernote. 

Point to remember. If you are trying to install Evernote from Chrome, you may face issues. In case you have problems with download, try IE. It works. 

Also, I think that Web Clipper is different for different browsers. Since I use Chrome frequently, I have installed it on Chrome.

Web Clipper Icon in my Chrome

In case you install Evernote and find that you can't live without it, you know whom to thank. (Hint: Its me. You read it here first.)

Here are some additional links on Evernote. 

I had clipped them to my Evernote Notebook to write this blog post. So you have proof of the pudding (on how to use Evernote to write your blog post) right there !

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