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27 July 2013

I am a 'Madrasi'...

Overheard this conversation at Mumbai airport.

First person, a guy, was telling the other person that he has got posted in Bangalore. He will be heading the West and South Regions of this company.

"You will find South different. There they are serious and conservative. They are mostly self-driven. They dislike being directed", said his partner, a middle aged lady.

"I don't think that I will face any problems in south. Even though I am from Punjab, I don't drink and I am a vegetarian", responded the guy.

Being a south Indian myself, I couldn't help but smile at the stereotype of the South Indian described in the above conversation. Both the above statements taken together paints the picture of foliage chomping, aquaphile, serious, conservative, direction hating stupid, silly, South Indian... 

Just like a cow, we go around smelling and chewing leaves, just like a cow, we are serious (like have you seen a cow go ha ha ha... ever?) just like a cow, we don't take orders (try making the cow move out of the way by honking the horn...), we only drink water...

Just like a cow.

We are like a cow, that is why the temperament associated with South Indians is 'Bovine'.

That we have spicy Chettinadu cuisine is an aberration...
That we have the largest alcoholic beverage company in India is an aberration...
That we serve some of the best seafood in Kerala is an aberration...
That India's leading Cartoonist, Mr.R.K Laxman is a South Indian is an aberration to the stereotype that we are serious...
That Bangalore is defined as 'Pub City' is an aberration...
That we have a lot of Christians and Muslims who eat meat is an aberration...
That we have the largest number of Startups in the country is an aberration...
That most of the leading bureaucrats in India are from South India is an aberration...

Those are all aberrations. 

For you up there, we are the flora feasting, water drinking, funless 'Madrasis'.

Good for you...

1 comment:

Sreeja Praveen said...

Spot on, Sir !
I was in Delhi as a student, and I have often heard been bitten by the ' Madrasi' bug.... fed up , I was !
kalakkarel :)