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21 February 2014

20000 visitors to my blog....

Today my blog hit the 20000 visitor mark. It took a long time to get there, considering that I started this blog in 2005.

Others who started blogging at the same time as me have reached a level of prominence in the blogging world. Bloggers like Kavi Arasu, Anuradha Goyal, my classmate Kalyan Karmakar, and others have attained a loyal readership in the blogging world. While blogging has helped some of them make money, it has helped others to find a better and exciting career opportunities. 

(I am not even mentioning bloggers like Amit Verma, Amit Agrawal and others)

I shouldn't be comparing myself with others. Throughout my adult life, I have done stuff later than others. I got my first MBA when I was 31, I got my first job in IT Industry when I was 36 etc. So I won't be surprised if 2014 turns out to be the breakout year for my blog.

When I started blogging, I had no idea of the potential of blogging. I just wanted to try this new stuff called blogging. So I started off with random thoughts. 

Over the years I realized that the blog needed a theme. The blog has evolved into a theme of 'personal development as a journey which we all share'. Hence the name of my blog 'Grow Together...'

Thank you all of you for visiting my blog and sharing your views. Your visits give me the energy to continue. Your comments add value to me and make me a better blogger, hopefully.


1 comment:

Shub said...

Congrats on the milestone Rams .. 20,000 unique visitors is huge.