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17 October 2013

The good, the bad and the ugly: 17-Oct-2013

The Good: Women in Leadership

I am a big fan of women in leadership role. I think that they bring in a different set of perspectives than men. One of the best managers that I have worked with is a lady. Women are natural collaborators and they are more comfortable working in a team. They also know when to follow and when to take the leadership. They are also good at resolving conflicts. 

I think that part of this is because they bring up children (well, most of them do). Try bringing up a couple of recalcitrant kids and you will know what I mean by conflict resolution. Getting them to agree that eating the yucky Okra is in their best interests will definitely teach you negotiation skills. Disentangling the tangled siblings from a fight will teach you conflict resolution. Come and sit in my car and see how my wife and son collaborates to decide on which restaurant to go out for dinner and you see collaboration in action.

Of course, we end up eating dinner at home, that is a different matter.

I think that women in leadership role is good for the world. That is why I am so happy for Christine Lagarde, Janet Yellen, Arundhati Bhattacharya, Indra Nooyi et al for the leadership role that they play across the globe. 

Now it appears that women played a pivotal role in resolving the US Shutdown Crisis. Led by Susan Collins, a Republican Senator, a group of lady Senators collaborated among themselves to freeze the framework of the resolution to end the shutdown and avert the 'Debt Ceiling' crisis. 

Out of the 14 senators on the bipartisan committee that laid the framework for the debt deal, six were women. Susan Collins (R-Maine) started the group, and Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) took part in negotiations.

You can read the Full Article here

The Good: Trial of five accused in the Mumbai rape case gas begun. For the rapists it is a case of act in haste, repent in leisure..

The Bad....

The rapidly developing Coal Gate is the bad of the day. Huge coal blocks were allotted to various Crony Capitalists at throw away price. CBI has filed a charge sheet against Kumar Mangalam Birla for the coal block allocations made to his group in Chattisgarh. I don't think Mr.Birla is personally involved, but what I think is correct is that his group benefited from the allocation.

Let us see how this pans out. One thing is certain. Congress is definitely jittery about the prospect of losing the next elections. So more scapegoating and witch hunting can be expected.

The Ugly...

Nothing ugly to report today. At least I have not seen any news till now that leaves me with rage or anger. That is good...

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