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04 February 2019

The art of everyday renewal.

Me and my friends had met up to celebrate Happy New Year. We met on 31st December at my friend's house for a few drinks. We had Dr.Sanjeev, our yoga teacher, in our midst. Doctor has been a Yoga practitioner for over two decades.

Just before the clock struck 12, Doctor asked us all to do a set of deep inhalations and exhaled out all the tensions, stresses and worries that we were carrying in our minds. 'Exhale the physical and emotional toxins from your minds', the good doctor suggested. Then he asked us to close our eyes, focus on the point between our eyebrows and imagine us being reborn. We imagined our ‘2018 self’ die a momentary death and us being reborn as our ‘Future self’. In our reborn version, we were free from negativity and tensions that characterized our past. 

I am sounding like we are in a cult or something. It was nothing like that. We closed our eyes, imagined we were dead and then imagined that we were born as a renewed self. It is that simple.

The beauty of this is that it can become a daily habit. It is very easy. Here is how we can do it.

Sit on the bed in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and visualize all your tensions and worries and what is holding you back. Focus on all that you want to change. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. During exhalation imagine that you are throwing out all your negativity and retaining all the positives. Then imagine that your current self is dying. Fall back on the bed slowly as if you are dying. 

Lie on the bed, eyes closed, for about a minute, keeping the mind empty. Slowly open your eyes to the wonderful new world that you are reborn into, the world of all possibilities and no constraints.

This is the mental equivalent of repeating ‘Today is the first day of the rest of my life’.

You can do this exercise anytime, but to be regular and for the best benefits, do in in the first one hour of your day.

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